My Double-Sized Testimony

I have been absent from blogging for some time now because I just couldn't handle the demands of pregnancy, motherhood, married life and housework. I'm working my way back as I'm settling into the easier part of my pregnancy (if there is such a thing). I have committed to blogging once a week until the babies get here!

I have been anxiously waiting the opportunity to tell my testimony about this current pregnancy. I was seeking God for just the right moment and I feel God releasing me to brag on him. How many know that not everything is meant to be shared and you have to wait on God to give you that perfect moment to tell just how good he is.  

I'm moving into my 24 week of pregnancy now and although I feel so blessed to be able to have children of my own and I am anxiously waiting the arrival of my miracle babies! I just don't enjoy the 10 months of pregnancy.

This amazing testimony God has given me to share started way back in September 15th, exactly 30 days since my last cycle I just had that woman's intuition that I was pregnant again. At the time, my husband was out of town, so baby #1 and I ventured out to the store to get a pregnancy test. It was positive. I was super excited to be pregnant again because it was such a surprise, however, slightly disappointed in the timing because our daughter was still a baby. Being so early in the pregnancy I decided to wait a few weeks to call my doctor. In the meantime, I caught this horrible head cold, and being that was I completely consumed by morning sickness and not able to take any medications it took about three days of symptoms before I gave in and went to the ER for some help. It was there that I got a positive pregnancy diagnosis from a doctor (September 28th). I got an antibiotic and cough syrup (safe for baby) and was sent on my way.

September 29th, I woke up from a nap with some light spotting. Having had a previous miscarriage, I was pretty calm about it. However, I went to the ER to be examined to make sure everything was normal. At the ER they told me that it was too early in the pregnancy to see a heart beat, things seemed normal, stay on bed rest and call my doctor in the A.M. I called my doctor as directed and she saw me the next day (September 30). She told me progesterone levels were low, put me on full bed rest and hormones to bring up my levels and sent me home. I stayed on bed rest for a full day and woke up that following morning (October 1) with heavy bleeding and cramping. I knew at this point I was probably having a miscarriage. We went to the hospital and they did every test known to man, but with no end result. The ER doctor told me that he suspected I was having a miscarriage and then left the room. Then within minutes came back into the room and told me he wanted to retract his original diagnosis and said it was just too early in the pregnancy to say that it is a miscarriage and he couldn't be for certain.

Now, while all of these things are happening, we were experiencing some other significant moves of God. October 1 my husband lost a dear friend and mentor unexpectedly. We actually got the news while we were in the hospital waiting for the doctor to release me. We were watching TBN praise-a-thon when we pledged to sow a seed to TBN ministries. My husband and I prayed on this seed and believed God for no more loss and restoration of things that had been taken from us.

I followed up with my doctor the following Monday and she concluded that based on my hormone levels I had a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. She asked what the plans were from here and I confidently told her we would be waiting another year before we would try again.

We start the ultra sound and no sooner than she got the monitor on I hear her GASP. That is not very settling to a woman who has already diagnosed herself with a tumor that was triggering a positive PG test. Of course I raised up and said WHAT! I hear in response, there are TWO. Two of what I asked and that's when she turned the monitor to me and I could plainly see two yolk sacks with two babies. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Doesn't God have such a great sense of humor!

Let's take a moment to reflect quickly. My husband and I lost a baby and a dear friend on the same day. We also took a step out on faith and sowed a significant seed for us at the time, believing God for restoration and no more loss. A month later, we have two babies on the way. Now had I been more conscious of God speaking to me I would have already known I was having twins. I'm in awe of all the signs God gave me about twins before I found out I was having twins. These babies haunted my dreams all during my pregnancy with Hannah. I would have dreams almost weekly that I was having twins and one of them was a boy and I wouldn't have any boy stuff for it because all I had was girl stuff. This dream was a reoccurring dream through out my entire pregnancy. I could go on and on about the signs God gave me but I won't, there's more testimony to share. Let there be a lesson learned here, always be tuned into what God is telling you. He's always talking, we just aren't always listening.

So 8 1/2 weeks pregnant I head home from the doctor, with proof in hand, that we have 2 babies on the way.  Two days before I enter into my 12th week of pregnancy I wake up spotting again. Honestly, I was alarmed this time with the last miscarriage being still so fresh in memory. I felt my flesh starting to become fearful, shaky, rapid heart beat. Daryl was still asleep and so was Hannah so I was just lying in bed letting my mind wonder, which is exactly what the devil wanted me to do. That idol mind can be so destructive add it to fear and anxiety and you might as well just have a big sign in red writing on the doorway to your circumstance that says, WELCOME DEVIL. I caught myself being reminded of some very powerful scriptures, I knew it was God.

Children are a blessing to their parents. By his stripes I am healed. I am whole in Jesus name. Ask, and believe that you have received it and it will be given to me. I have the power to speak to mountains and make them move. God was letting me know these babies were my blessing, and no one can take my blessings unless I allow it. God was teaching me to take authority of my circumstances. I called upon a very anointed sister in Christ, and asked her to be in agreement with me that I am whole in Jesus' name and so are these babies. We agreed, believed and let God do the rest. I was overcome with such a peace, I just laid my head back down and went back to sleep. I was not going to allow fear to open the door for the enemy to step in.
WARNING: this is somewhat graphic if you are sensitive to such details
If you remember, I had mention to my doctor before that I was dealing with a lot of pressure in my female areas and I felt like something was falling out. Well, although my doctor had said she didn't see anything falling out I still felt it every time I was up walking around and I started seeing tissue that was not in its rightful place. I kept this to myself and started doing some research. Knowledge is power. After some comparison of similar scenarios and pictures I had determined I probably have what could be a prolapsing bladder. But I was not going to own that diagnosis, I was trusting God to take care of it. So first I called the on-call Dr., explained what I was seeing and feeling. He told me it I could very well be right with my diagnosis, and there are times when lying down that the bladder will retreat, hints why my Dr. didn't see anything. Then he followed that with, OR, it could be your cervix. GREAT.... there goes my flesh again. No one wants their cervix falling out of them, especially when there are two babies that need that to stay in place for survival. He put me on bed rest until my appointment with my Dr. (which was 4 days away)

So I took it easy for those 4 days, no lifting, no exercise, movie watching in bed weekend. It was nice, I needed the rest. So my appointment arrives and I find out there are issues with my insurance and my OB wants me to pay 600 dollars up front for the visit before I can see her. Umm, that's a negative. I didn't even have a purse with me. So I went home, discussed the circumstances with my husband and pondered God's word. God doesn't change he's the same God that has always existed. People change. Our lack of faith is so unpleasing to God it's no wonder we don't see more miracles like they had in the bible. So I recalled the woman with the issue of blood, so faith filled if she could just touch his garment she would be healed. How inspiring. So I put the thought of insurance, doctors, and bed rest behind me and started thinking issue of blood. God was speaking to me AGAIN:

Children are a blessing to their parents. By his stripes I am healed. I am whole in Jesus name. Ask, and believe that you have received it and it will be given to me. I have the power to speak to mountains and make them move. These babies are my blessing, and no one can take my blessings unless I allow it.  Take authority of my circumstances.
And so I did, I anointed my body and prayed that God give me a miracle and heal my body. I prayed that I would not need medical intervention in any capacity for this issue. I didn't doubt. I believed God with my whole heart, either he's God or he's not but that was the only way this was getting fixed.

Nearly 2 months later, insurance was all worked out and I was able to see my doctor. Now I already knew I was healed, I hadn't had any pressure or seen anything out of place in months. I just wanted the medical confirmation that all was well. We did an ultra sound, we did a physical exam, and we did blood work. I was a picture perfect healthy preggo... as my husband would call it. Nothing falling out, everything in place. 100% healed in Jesus' name. I believed God.

So, now, 24 weeks pregnant, carrying twins that are measuring above average weights I'm healthy. I'm waddling a little more than usual but no complications and everything is holding up just fine. (no pun intended)

So for those doubters out there who don't believe God isn't still in the healing business, I'm walking proof that he is. The lesson to take away from this is, YOU can not please God without faith.

Faith: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
It doesn't matter what it looks like, what the circumstances suggest, or what medicine says. God is always in control, you just have to let go of your fears, worries and doubt, and let God take over. Don't entertain doubt within your own mind or from others. People are so quick to think the negative and when you have real faith in God, you don't have time to even hear it. I know that's why God had a perfect, planned time for me to release this testimony because, too soon and I could have been swayed by doubters. Be aware of doubt in all forms, because the devil comes to deceive us. I don't like what if statements and I choose not to entertain them. So when you encounter a "what if" believer, remind them that God is in control of your life and there aren't any "what ifs" because God has everything under control.

Until next time!
God Bless


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