God speaks through the Apostle Paul's letters to the church at Corinth that love is the greatest of all his commandments. He illustrates the importance of LOVE in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. God is LOVE. Love, the true Agape love is not an easy task to do. God tells us in 1 John 4: 7-8
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
Food for thought: Do you KNOW God? If you have a personal, intimate relationship with God, then you will naturally love. To know GOD is to interact with him daily. God is our father. His love for us is greater than our earthly father's Love. When we share love with our earthly fathers, we interact with them, talk with them spend time with them. That's the same way we should interact with God. He wants your time. Love on him, talk to him tell him your struggles, wants, needs, etc. Consistency is important, God doesn't want few and far between conversations with you. He wants your heart. A heart to serve God, read his word, and desire to talk with him.
So, how do we love? If we have a personal relationship with God, his love in complete in our lives because he lives in us. Having a loving relationship with God will allow you to have a loving relationship with your Husbands.
God teaches us how to love in 1 Corinthians 13. So when you love your husbands, be kind to him in all things. Whatever you do or say, do or say it with love. Be patient with your husband. Most marriages experience struggles at some point or another, just remember to be patient in the struggle and know your husband is not the enemy, the DEVIL is. In dealing with your husband, do not be boastful. Always keep a humble attitude with your husband, you both have strengths and weaknesses, love each other for them. Honor your husband. What is honor?
Honor: to hold in high respect, revere; honesty, fairness, integrity in ones actions or beliefs.
Love is not self-seeking, so wives put your husband's needs before your own. Love is not easily angered, that doesn't mean you won't ever be angry but God watches how your handle your anger. God commands us not to allow our anger to cause us to sin. So handle your husband with Love, even when you are angry, and it will keep you from falling short. Don't hold grudges. When your husband disappoints you, forgive him. What does the word forgive mean?
Forgiveness: to grant pardon for or remission of an offense or debt; to cease to feel resentment against
God commands us to forgive others or he will not forgive us. Forgiveness is much more than just accepting an apology. You have to let go of all the anger, resentment, frustration, etc. that might accompany your hurt. The inability to forgive is a tool of deception of the enemy, and surely if you fall into his trap you will not achieve your victory.
In all your ways seeks the righteousness of God, for love does not entertain evil. Love is always honest. Honesty stems much further than not telling a lie. Honesty means telling the whole truth. Be honest and up front with your husband. A good rule of thumb is to tell all the details and be as honest and open with you husband as you want him to be with you. LOVE always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. You and your husband are a team, support each other, let your husband know - You have his back. Keep negativity out of your relationship, think positively. If people in your life, whether it be family or friends speak negatively about your spouse or marriage, the bible tells you to not entertain their company. If your loved ones can't act in love (with protection and positive hopes) toward you, your spouse or marriage then don't bask in their influences. The most important part to this message to take away is that LOVE always PERSEVERES. Why is this important? Love God, Love your husband, love yourself and your marriage will always prevail. There will be struggles but God's word does not fail.
John 14:15 If you love me, you will obey my commandments. - Love God and love will radiate from you. Obey God and you will Love!
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